Rocchetta Alta Di Bosconero - Navasa

High Rock of Bosconero - Navasa

I'm coming off a week of climbing a lot at the crag in the afternoon after work and I'm feeling pretty tired, I know that if I rest for a couple of days then I should get into a good peak of form that can be used at the crag, but that's not my intention.

It's summer and like every year the desire for routes in the Dolomites is felt in a disruptive way, last weekend with Gio and Enrico we climbed the Biasin on Sass Maor, this time Gio and I are looking for a route that is more difficult overall
quiet, with an easy approach and descent that allows us to be home for dinner since we both have commitments.

It's been four years since I climbed Kcf and Spigolo Strobel, two historic routes that can't be missing from the baggage of any good Dolomiti climber. I remember that Gio had already climbed them, but I don't know if he completed the trilogy by climbing Navasa too.

Between one message and another I ask him about Navasa and he confirms that he hasn't climbed it yet, from there to finding ourselves walking on the steep path is a short step.

The approach is pleasant, the slope is not a problem, you just need to have the right pace without forcing the pace, we are not here to have a race.

At the attack, fate decides who has to go, ready, go! We proceed in alternating rather quickly, also linking some pitches, up to a very characteristic horizontal traverse, the climb by sending back the numerous pitons and Gio quickly reaches me.

There are still a few pitches missing on classic difficulties with perfect rock, the pitons, always present, make the climbing fluid, fast and safe, I don't know what more I could ask for.

Yet another dihedral that is more difficult than the others, which Gio tackles as if it were IV+, and off he goes again!

I remember the last pitches, shared with Kcf, as very challenging, in reality the fog that enveloped me had certainly intimidated me, today with the sun it's a completely different thing and even these last pitches fly by quickly.

About six or seven hours have passed since we started, now all we can do is relax and admire the view, reading the folds of the walls that surround us, whose beauty intoxicates us and helps us plan the next climb.

The descent is not particularly difficult but the numerous exposed sections cannot make us lower our guard, the rope no longer binds us, the distances get longer and the lightheartedness that until a short while ago lulled us now gives way to concentration.

At the hut we finally celebrate by treating ourselves to a couple of beers and then each of us goes home to our own lives and commitments, at least until the next climb.

I liked Navasa a lot, more than the Strobel edge which I found more tiring due to the numerous dihedrals. The classic difficulties are never extreme, the rock is always good and the pitons are present along the entire route make this climb a great Dolomite classic that should definitely be repeated more than once!

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